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商品详细LifeSensors/UM201-200µg Anti-Ub TUBE 1, His6/UM-0201-1000
LifeSensors/UM201-200µg Anti-Ub TUBE 1, His6/UM-0201-1000
LifeSensors/UM201-200µg Anti-Ub TUBE 1, His6/UM-0201-1000
商品编号: UM-0201-1000
品牌: LifeSensors
市场价: ¥22100.00
美元价: 13260.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
公司分类: pipe
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


Based on protein domains known to possess an affinity for ubiquitin, Tandem Ubiquitin Binding Entities (TUBEs) have been developed for the isolation and identification of ubiquitylated proteins. TUBEs display up to a 1000-fold increase in affinity for poly-ubiquitin moieties over the single ubiquitin binding associated domain (UBA). In addition, TUBEs display a protective effect on polyubiquitinated proteins, allowing for detection at relatively low abundance. These properties effectively “capture” proteins in their polyubiquitylated state.

The ubiquitylation state of certain cellular proteins can be directly related to various diseases including neurodegeneration, inflammation and cancer.  However, ubiquitylated proteins are intrinsically unstable, which precludes the characterization of the ubiquitinylation state in many cases. TUBEs will fill this void in ubiquitin research, allowing the identification of ubiquitin-modified proteins that cannot be detected with current technologies. TUBEs can be used to isolate, enrich, and identify ubiquitylated proteins from cells, tissues, and organs.TUBE 1 is based on UBAs from the protein ubiquilin.

This product is protected by one or more US or Foreign patents. Please read the Limited Use Label License to learn more. By purchasing this product, the purchaser agrees to comply to these terms.


Molecular weight37.7 kD
Affinity TagHis6
 LifeSensors公司目前主要的产品有400多种,其产品主要覆盖泛素和泛素蛋白酶体通路等科学应用领域,并且产品线在不断的扩大中。公司开创了两大独家技术平台:用于细胞信号和药物发现的泛素蛋白酶体系统(UPS),以及增强目的蛋白在大肠杆菌、酵母、昆虫和哺乳动物细胞中表达与纯化的SUMO融合表达系统。       泛素蛋白酶体系统正在成为继激酶之后,药物发现的下一个机遇,必将成为未来许多新型药物的创新来源。作为泛素蛋白领域的先驱公司,药物的发现、分析化合物以及去泛素酶和泛素化酶的高通量筛选正是LifeSensors创新技术的真正亮点。此外,LifeSensors还为泛素的蛋白质组学提供众多定制技术服务,并且已经开发了各种各样的测定细胞中的生理底物或生物标志物的方法。